Yea, I used even on my phone and it was fine. Their new design was fucking awful the last time I saw it. On top of that it was slow as shit. You spend more time looking at that fucking stupid spinning logo than you do seeing content.
Yea, I used even on my phone and it was fine. Their new design was fucking awful the last time I saw it. On top of that it was slow as shit. You spend more time looking at that fucking stupid spinning logo than you do seeing content.
When I was a kid my parents wouldn’t let me make my own pinewood derby car, even though I had done one already without issue the previous year. My dad then proceeded to put a 1/2" drill bit through his hand while doing it for me. I always found that kind of funny.
That’s the only argument I’ve ever been able to get out of pro-life people. Literally all they have is “what about the rights of the fetus?” sometimes with an added touch of “women’s uterus are meant to carry babies”. Last week I had a long thread going with one of them. I’d direct you to it but a mod deleted all their comments.
They think fetuses are people. That’s pretty much the extent of the thought they’ve invested in the matter. They don’t give a shit about the mother’s right to safety and body autonomy.
That would be extremely funny.
Yea? So why would you consider selling a functioning car for one that’s objectively worse?
A 7-8 year old car that people have been doing god knows what in for all those years and is it even maintained properly?
Yeah my exs, why don’t you do this?
Having worked in healthcare IT. Adding more complexity will only make things harder for them. A lot of healthcare staff can barely operate the Windows PCs and applications they’re used to. Change anything and they act like the sky is falling.
How can you prefer this:
over this: