Didn’t he have to bail farmers out last time due to his horrendous policies?
And farmers didn’t learn?
That’s pretty stupid? Is our food safe?
Didn’t he have to bail farmers out last time due to his horrendous policies?
And farmers didn’t learn?
That’s pretty stupid? Is our food safe?
“bUsInEsS mAn GoOd!!!”
Man, if only they could read they’d know how not good at business he is.
These dipshits only know what Trump’s name looks like. That’s how they find him on a ballot and fill in the box.
Pro Tip: If you have any large purchases to make in your life, now is the time.
Also, probably buy a gun because there’s about to be a lot more desperate people out there.
We’re such an unforgivably stupid society.
It doesn’t matter what politicians we choose. It doesn’t matter if the “pendulum swings back”. We’re stupid. Wherever the pendulum is, we’re still stupid. So we’re still going to trend downward, because that’s the only direction a stupid society can go.
How many times in our history are Americans going to get duped into hating people they never even interact with and know nothing about?
None of these people know trans people. These morons have just been conditioned to hate them regardless of not even knowing them. It’s pathetic. They’ve never been hurt, or even inconvenienced by a trans person. Bigot fucks.
“At this point, I think I pay enough talented people who know things to make it look like I actually know things so I can focus on acting like a fool on social media platforms and interviews.”
I mean it’s not hard to know what happens when accountability isn’t a thing anymore.
Spoiler Alert: everything turns to shit.
Why should we obey laws if our leader is a convicted felon who gets to bypass the punishment phase? Why should we ever respond to a jury summons for a sham justice system? Why should we pay taxes when our leader is a tax cheat?
Nothing matters now.